8 Brides, 8 Cultures, 8 Reasons to Swoon Over Wedding Traditions
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8 Brides, 8 Cultures, 8 Reasons to Swoon Over Wedding Traditions

New Orleans Cake Pull, Wedding Tradition

Fabulous brides to be, just a lil heads-up—we’re currently crushing hard, like head over heals hard, on the coolest wedding traditions from around the globe. These traditions are absolutely mesmerizing and trust us, they are anything but yawn-worthy. Bet you’re already like, ‘Come on girlfriend, share those glittering deets!’ And honey, we hear ya. But first, hold your tiaras. Take a chic breath. Annnnd action!



Bem Casado Cake Tradition – Happy Married Life

Bem Casado cake, Brazilian Wedding Tradition
Brazilian Wedding Tradition | credit: Douglas Fernandes Fotografo

Adrianne from Brazil shares, “In Brazil, we have this adorable tradition with a cake called ‘bem casado,’ which means ‘well married.’ It’s a powerful tradition brought over by the Portuguese. The idea is that if you share this little treat with your wedding guests, you’ll enjoy a sweet married life. The cakes are wrapped in the cutest packaging, usually with a message from the bride and groom. When war broke out in Israel, we rushed to Brazil and I had to plan my symbolic ceremony in Brazil on super short notice—like, one week!—It was messy and dramatic. But I still got my dream wedding with the love of my life. When the caterer asked what message I wanted on the cakes, I didn’t think twice—I went with ‘love is madness.’ It was the perfect touch to our whirlwind day!”



Classic New Orleans “Cake Pull” Tradition

New Orleans Cake Pull, Wedding Tradition
New Orleans Wedding Tradition | photo credit: Olivia Hope

Michelle from Des Moines, Iowa shares, “In New Orleans, we have this super fun tradition called cake pulls, which has been popular for years. Instead of the usual bouquet toss, the bride hides charms inside the wedding cake, and all the single ladies get to pull one out and receive a fortune! I added my own twist by creating charm bracelets instead. So at my wedding, the girls pulled a number between 1 and 11, and that number decided which bracelet and fortune they got. It was such a hit!



Turkmen Red “Kurte” Tradition

Turkmen Kurte Wedding Tradition
Kurte Wedding Tradition | photo credit: bride & groom

Oguldursun, a Turkmen Bride who lives in Canada, shares, “In Turkmen weddings, the ‘Kurte’ is the most important part of the bride’s outfit. It’s a stunning red garment, fully handmade with intricate embroidery and decorated with gold and silver accessories. The whole outfit can weigh up to 36 kg—talk about a workout! When the bride leaves her father’s house, she covers her face, mostly because she’s usually in tears and doesn’t want to show it. The red color of the Kurte symbolizes innocence and purity, and after the wedding, the bride wears the Kurte for 40 days. She can change the colour and the style of it though. Friends and family love inviting the new bride over, believing she brings happiness and joy to their homes.”



Promise of a Lifetime Together with Palm Wine

Igbo Nkwu Nigerinan_wedding_tradition
Igoa Nkwu Nigerinan wedding tradition | photo credit: Elite001 Pictures

Emmanuella from Imo, Nigeria shares, “In the Igbo culture, we have this vibrant and joyful wedding tradition called ‘Igba Nkwu.’ It’s a beautiful celebration of love, family, and culture. The groom’s family formally asks for the bride’s hand in marriage and gives a bride price as a sign of respect. My favorite part? The wine-carrying ceremony, where I find my hubby in the crowd and give him a glass of palm wine, showing I’ve chosen and accepted him as my husband. It’s a powerful symbol of love and commitment, and the involvement of both families in every step of the process strengthens familial bonds.””



Henna Hides Her Husband’s Name

Mehndi Indian Wedding Tradition
Mehndi Indian Wedding Tradition | photo credit: Filming Photography Lucknow

Nida from Lucknow, India shares, “In Indian weddings, there’s this beautiful tradition of applying henna, or ‘Mehndi,’ to the bride’s hands and feet. It’s all about making the bride feel extra special, and the designs are always super elaborate. At my wedding, the artist hid my husband’s name in the design—it was so cute and got me feeling all special! The Mehndi ceremony is also a fun time for all the bridesmaids and female guests to join in, get henna applied to their hands, and just enjoy the moment together.”



“Sip and Step” Champagne Challenge

Greek Wedding Champagne Tradition
Greek Wedding Champagne Tradition

Kerry from Greece shares, “In Greece, after the wedding ceremony, we have two playful traditions involving a glass of champagne. First, the couple crosses arms and drinks from each other’s glass, and whoever finishes first gets the ‘upper hand’ in the marriage. But if the husband wins, there’s a second tradition where the bride steps on his foot—just to make sure she still has the upper hand! It gives the celebration a fun and competitive vibe. And they really capture the playful spirit of our Greek weddings!”



Sand Ceremony and Vows of Love

Greek Wedding Tradition | video credit: DK Weddings Zante

Vicky from Suffolk, England, who had her wedding in Tsilivi, Zante (a Greek island), shared with us, “We had a sand ceremony to symbolize our unity as a family—me, my husband, and our daughter. My husband also said vows to my daughter, which was such a special moment for all of us.”



“Stolen” Shoe Tradition – Surprised Hubby

Ukrainian Wedding tradition, Stolen_shoe
Ukrainian Wedding Tradition | photo credit: AHS Catering & Events

Tina, a Ukrainian who lives in Dubai, shares, “When I married my husband, explaining the tradition of having my shoe ‘stolen’ and him needing to pay for its return was quite a task! Ali was both baffled and puzzled by the idea, but my niece from Ukraine and his niece from Lebanon teamed up as playful culprits and executed it perfectly. Ali found it a bit absurd at first but eventually embraced it, making it a memorable highlight for everyone present. As a wedding planner in Dubai, I often come across couples from around the globe with varying cultures tying the knot, and let me tell you—it’s always an adventure! What’s normal in one culture can be surprising or amusing in another. It just goes to show that even with different backgrounds, you can always find a way to honor your traditions and create new memories together.”

By the way, just a lil glam tidbit– Tina, our stunning bride, runs AHS, her own ultra-trendy catering and events biz in Dubai. She’s also stepping up the game with her latest project, Plan with Tina, where she spills all her best wedding planning secrets. Take a peep!

Well gals, it’s magical traditions like these that make your wedding dreamy and oh-so-special, amiright? And, uh, hellloooo Pinterest-perfect pics!!! Such fabulous gems really add that extra layer of charm to your wedding or, dare we say, elevate your celebration to legendary status. How about it, ladies?

P.S. You gotta check out our fave Mexican and Vietnamese wedding traditions that are just *too good* not to share! You’ll be utterly obsessed!

With her home in Canada and her heart in the world, Tasha brings a light and breezy touch to her writing. Her adventures around the globe feed into her creative content, infused with a lively, approachable style that mirrors her adventurous spirit. Follow her adventures at The Planet Compass.”

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